Your Health, Your Voice, Your Values.

I believe client-centered, independent advocacy ​is a tool to empower patients and help them ​thrive. With a thoughtful and collaborative ​approach, I strive to combine your strengths with ​my skills to help you meet your health goals, ​whatever they may be.

Call/Text: (510) 730-2023 or Email: to schedule or ask any questions.

Why Might I Need a Patient Advocate?

In an ideal world, you wouldn't.

While most people (including healthcare providers) are truly trying their best, our medical system is full of gaps in ​communication and coordination. Endless studies and stories show that these gaps often lead to worse care, worse qualities of ​life, and even premature death. Patient advocates have learned about these systems and can help fill the gaps. We can also help ​you maintain as much control and comfort as possible throughout your medical journey.


The average amount of information a ​patient remembers from a typical ​doctor's appointment.

12 Million

The estimated annual amount of ​Americans who are misdiagnosed.


The estimated number of annual deaths ​related to preventable medical errors - ​the 4th highest cause of death in the US.

Patient Advocates can guide you through your healthcare journey

so you can focus on what matters: Getting healthy.

Autonomy Health Advocacy, LLC ("the company") is not a healthcare provider. The company cannot and will not provide you with medical care, treatment, medications (including changes or refills), second opinions, or any other services requiring medical ​license. The company will not make medical decisions for you, and any suggestions discussed should not be construed as medical advice.

Call/Text: (510) 730-2023 or Email: to schedule or ask any questions.

My Approach

At Autonomy Health Advocacy we first ​discuss what’s going on to make sure we’re a ​good fit. If I think another advocate or service ​could help you better or more affordably, I’ll ​tell you. It’s my ethical obligation and ​inclination - I am here to help.

If it seems like a match, I’ll then learn more ​details about you, your situation, and your ​values to collaborate on a plan. Throughout, I ​will prioritize not only helping you get things ​done, but helping you gain skills (if you want) ​along the way.

I want to be an investment. I know most ​clients won’t be working with me forever, and I ​try to empower you with information and tools ​to continue advocating for yourself whenever ​our work is done. I want to bring more lasting ​control into your life, because the expert on ​you, is you.

  • Having productive, thorough appointments
  • Trying to make sense of a new diagnosis
  • Managing a chronic diagnosis
  • Finding new physicians and/or second opinions
  • Getting your care team to work together
  • Getting your care team to really listen to you
  • Planning for care in the future
  • Making sense of bills, benefits, and insurance
  • Creating systems to manage your health or medications ​comfortably at home
  • and so much more

My Specialties

If you or a loved one have been struggling with:

I can help.

Autonomy Health Advocacy, LLC ("the company") is not a healthcare provider. The company cannot and will not provide you with medical care, treatment, medications (including changes or refills), second opinions, or any other ​services requiring medical license. The company will not make medical decisions for you, and any suggestions discussed should not be construed as medical advice.

Schandelle Acosta, Board Certified Patient Advocate

My Philosophy

I have always been driven by my desire to help people and to empower them ​to help themselves.

In the healthcare world our autonomy isn't simply being able to do things for ​or by ourselves; it's having the power to make informed choices that align with ​our values. We get that power through knowing ourselves, knowing what's ​going on, and knowing all the resources available to us - including our ​personal strengths, our friends, family, spiritual practices, and community.

In your healthcare journey you may have found yourself temporarily stripped ​of your autonomy, or you may not have had the tools or opportunities to grow ​it to begin with. Either way, I feel honored to meet you where you're at to ​help you build your voice, and perhaps even hear it for the first time. My goal ​is to help you get the information, care, and control everyone deserves.


Schandelle Acosta (many of her clients call her Shea) is a Board Certified Patient Advocate with over 8 years of experience in ​nonprofit leadership and independent health advocacy. She has an extensive background in managing teams, homes, the ​programs, and the care for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as people from all walks of life. She ​has experience facilitating everything from orthopedic surgery or neurological MRIs to Social Security reinstatement or picking a ​Medicare plan. Over the years she’s worked with clients aging anywhere from 22-82, with genetic disorders or comorbidities, ​with injuries or illness, of all neurotypes and ability levels, and of course all demographics.

Schandelle graduated from Sarah Lawrence College with a pre-health concentration before serving 2 terms in AmeriCorps. She ​attended UC Berkeley’s Extension Program in Health Care Advocacy, as well as the Patient Advocacy Certification Program at ​the Cleveland School of Nursing. She is a certified Independent Facilitator for the GGRC’s Self Determination Program, a Direct ​Service Provider, and has several other certifications pertaining to equity, privacy, financial management, and the ethics of ​healthcare advocacy. She has lived all over the country, and has happily called the Bay Area home for the past 10 years. She ​currently resides in Oakland, California with her partner, 2 cats, and many (mostly) happy plants.

Call/Text: (510) 730-2023 or Email: to schedule or ask any questions.

“...her advocacy helped me accomplish ​those goals in a short time, when I had ​not succeeded myself for years.”

I am incredibly grateful for Schandelle and truly in ​awe of her and her work. I hired Schandelle for a ​short-term contract where we identified a few ​primary goals with the understanding we could ​continue longer if needed. She was really helpful ​and supportive of working within my limitations, ​budget and otherwise, and her advocacy helped ​me accomplish those goals in a short time, when I ​had not succeeded myself for years.

More important than the actual metrics of success I ​owe to her, in my opinion, is the care and empathy ​with which Schandelle treats her patients. I have a ​long history of dismissal and condescension from ​medical practitioners, some of which had resulted in ​deep-seated trauma around healthcare and western ​medical providers. For the first time in my memory, ​I felt heard. Schandelle listened to everything, ​asked mindful questions about the sensitive spots, ​and empathized with my experience. Hearing my ​new practitioner within the system say that the care I ​had received in the past was incompetent and wrong ​was an emotionally healing experience. I cannot ​thank Schandelle enough.”

Gillian H.

“She made it so any problem could be ​solved with us all in agreement. “

I cannot say enough about Shea Acosta.

It is extremely clear to me that Shea loves her line ​of work, and has unquestionable dedication to ​her clients, all while preserving their rights. A true ​advocate.

As the Senior Manager where my brother Victor ​resides, Shea always put the clients' interests, well ​being, and safety first. One example of many was ​when Victor and another resident were diagnosed ​with Covid, she took them off the premises to a hotel ​where she stayed and cared for them until their full ​recovery, keeping family updated every step of the ​way. Shea did this on her own accord, protecting the ​other clients from exposure.

Because of my brother’s disability he has always been ​a challenge. Her approach with him was always ​with great care, compassion, understanding and ​empathy. She made it so any problem could be ​solved with us all in agreement. Victor will tell you ​that she was the best manager he ever had, she did ​good things, and he misses her, as we all do."

Arlene H.

“Having seen her work with clients on ​medical care, I could not think of a better ​patient advocate.”

"I had the pleasure of working with Schandelle (Shea) ​for 6 years. Having seen her work with clients on ​medical care, I could not think of a better patient ​advocate. Setting up and guiding them through ​appointments was both a talent and a clear passion ​for Shea. She was incredibly thorough in gathering ​information from doctors and explaining things to her ​clients in clear, simple language. She also knew how to ​support people in managing many types of conditions. ​She has a wonderful way of listening without ​judgment to understand people, and worked very ​well liaising between clients, their families, and ​healthcare providers.

Shea stood out to me as a great communicator, ​effective manager, and as someone who could stay on ​top of many moving parts. Shea has a brilliant mind, ​is a quick learner, and has a knack for ​understanding systems. She can perform ​complicated and detailed tasks with ease. Shea is ​bright, calm, hard-working, empathetic, warm, ​ethical, curious, and a consummate professional."

Andre​a S.

“I highly recommend reaching out to Shea if ​you are looking for an advocate, especially if ​you have not done so before.”

“Shea is an excellent and compassionate partner in ​working on health care. I reached out to Shea as I was ​looking to hire a patient advocate to help with ​researching options for denial of a surgical procedure. ​Her responses were prompt, compassionate, and ​straightforward.

While I ended up deciding to work with another ​advocate who had more specialized experience with ​my particular issue, I highly recommend reaching ​out to Shea if you are looking for an advocate, ​especially if you have not done so before.”​

Er​in N.

“Her research saved me time and most of all ​frustration...”

“Schandelle helped me navigate the process and ​myriad of choices available to me as I moved from an ​HMO to Medicare. Her research saved me time and ​most of all frustration as I went through my ​application and the required documents. I strongly ​recommend her if you’re looking for health advocacy.”

Jose A.

“She is highly intelligent, a kind person who quickly ​develops rapport, is a hard worker, and has the ​highest ethical and professional standards.”

“If you’ve been that person for your loved ​one, you can trust Shea to do the job as good ​as you’ve been doing it…or even better.”

“Schandelle Acosta is a person of high character with ​many strengths and a great passion for supporting and ​advocating for people. As the Executive Director of ​Kainos Home and Training Center, I can say she made ​a tremendous difference here as an advocate and she ​has my highest recommendation and deepest respect.

Serving as the manager of our Supported Living Services ​Program, Shea helped the 25 people she supported and ​their families successfully navigate their journeys ​through the healthcare system and the insurance ​bureaucracy that funds those healthcare services. This ​was one of Shea’s greatest strengths and she received ​high praise from person’s served, their families, and peers ​on her work as an advocate.

Shea is a highly skilled human services professional. ​She is highly intelligent, a kind person who quickly ​develops rapport, is a hard worker, and has the ​highest ethical and professional standards. Shea is a ​warm, open minded, and accepting individual who is ​focused on helping support all people through their life ​journey and health care experiences.”

An​drew F.

“We’ve been so blessed to have a multitude of ​excellent professionals who have helped our son ​become the amazing person that he is, and Shea is one ​of them.

I could go on and on about her knowledge, ​communication skills, follow-through, etc. What I ​appreciate most about Shea is how her actions ​and words dignified our son as a whole person ​and as an adult. She expertly could assess his ​abilities and disabilities and then could make a ​plan to help him live his best life because she ​asked him the important questions and listened to ​him.

When there were issues, Shea would always work to ​first address them with Brian and would partner with ​us in resolving them when needed. I recommend Shea ​100% as an advocate and as a case manager. If you’ve ​been that person for your loved one, you can trust ​Shea to do the job as good as you’ve been doing it…​or even better.”

Beth W.

“Shea has also been helpful to me as a parent. ​She was always willling to answer questions ​and provide assistance when I needed it. She is ​greatly missed.”

"I knew Schandelle (Shea) as the mother of a Kainos ​client - my autistic daughter Susan, who is a resident ​in one of the homes Shea managed. Shea managed ​several independent living homes with great ​efficiency and a huge amount of tact and ​diplomacy.

In the case of my daughter Susan, the previous ​manager had been heavy handed which resulted in a ​lot of attitude and stress. Shea somehow handled ​Susan in a firm, flexible way with good results. When ​Susan visited home, she always spoke of Shea with a ​positive, upbeat attitude.

During the difficult Covid lockdown period I observed ​that Shea was meticulous in carrying out the ​restrictions and also patient with parents, like myself, ​who were impatient with all of it. Shea has also been ​helpful to me as a parent. She was always willling ​to answer questions and provide assistance when ​I needed it. She is greatly missed."

Virginia (Jean) B.

“It was a pleasure and relief to have her supporting our daughter.”

"Schandelle "Shea" Acosta is a conscientious service provider in whom we ​had complete confidence and trust. It was a pleasure and relief to have her ​supporting our daughter.

...Shea managed staff and directly supported our adult daughter who was a resident ​[at Kainos]. In that capacity, Shea used person-centered planning to assess what is ​important to and for our daughter’s well-being. Even though our daughter is ​conserved, Shea still was able to promote decision-making and autonomy.

Shea was consistently patient, friendly, and thoughtful in how she communicated ​with residents who have different abilities and health issues. When residents ​expressed a need or desire to do something, Shea would reliably make it ​happen. She has excellent follow-through.

Shea was observant and insightful. When she thought there could be ​improvement for our daughter, Shea would suggest additional or alternative ​ways to better support her. Shea was always respectful in offering her ​suggestions and listening to our opinions. She was open to implementing our ideas ​as we were to hers.

In addition to working with residents and their families directly, Shea’s role ​required her to coordinate with third party agencies which provide services for our ​daughter. Regularly with us, Shea met with agencies and physicians. When written ​plans were required by third parties, Shea prepared these ahead of time so that ​residents and families could review and discuss them before plans were presented ​to outside agencies. Shea wrote clear and goal-oriented plans. She prepared ​well for cross-functional meetings and effectively advocated for our ​daughter."

Jack and Eileen E.

“Shea was a dedicated, strong and ​involved advocate for our son and we ​miss her dearly. Her commitment ​was above and beyond in terms of ​physical presence, communication, ​as well as emotional support.”

Sybille D.

“Above and beyond...”

“Schandelle went above and beyond ​to help me find someone in Santa Rosa ​who could do a psychiatric evaluation ​for my sister. Her communication skills ​were excellent. She was caring and ​compassionate. Schandelle is kind, ​compassionate and thorough.”

Joy W.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your rates?

$198/hr. Packages and flat rates for more defined projects/goals are available. If you would like sliding scale or pro-bono services, please inquire.

Do you take insurance?

No. As an independent patient advocacy practice, my services are not medical and are not covered by insurance. This comes with a couple major ​advantages:

1. My only loyalty is to the clients I serve. I’m not beholden to insurers, hospitals, or any boss other than you.

2. I can work on any area you need me to as long as it’s within my expertise. Because I don’t need to justify, document, and send bills to insurers ​for every service I provide, I can be more creative and efficient in helping you get things don​e.

What if I have care management through my work?

That’s great! Many insurer or employer-sponsored advocacy programs have their limits, but they can still be wonderful tools. They often employ ​wonderful, hardworking case managers who can get a lot done.

An independent advocate would likely have additional training and experience, but I often make use of my clients’ work benefits to save time ​(and save you money). In these scenarios we’re all a team, but I’m more the team captain, and you, of course, are the coach.

Please let me know if you have a benefit like this during our intro call. As always, if I think your needs can be met with a better or more afforda​ble option, whether before or during our time togeth​er, I’ll tell you.

Call/Text: (510) 730-2023 or Email: to schedule or ask any questions.



(510) 730-2023


Bu​siness Hours

Monday-Thursday, 10am-6pm, PST

Fridays and Weekends by appoin​tment only

Service Locations

Remote Services Nationwide

In Person throughout the SF Bay Area

To Schedule a Free Introductory Call

Call/text during business hours or email anytime.

We will respond as soon as able.

We value your privacy - Please be mindful of the information you are ​comfortable sharing in your message.

 A Dentist Holding a Dental Shade Guide

Autonomy Health Advocacy, LLC ("the company") is not a healthcare provider. The company cannot and will not provide you with medical care, treatment, medications (including changes or refills), second opinions, or ​any other services requiring medical license. The company will not make medical decisions for you, and any suggestions discussed should not be construed as medical advice.

Privacy, Terms & Conditions for

I understand that health concerns are private and personal, and I will never knowingly violate your right to use the information you find on this site.

The documents and information contained within the Autonomy Health Advocacy website is offered for informational purposes only. No information contained herein is a substitute for professional medical care ​by a qualified practitioner, nor should it be inferred as such. ALWAYS check with your doctor if you have any health questions. The contributors to this website are not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, ​for ANY form of damages whatsoever resulting from information contained herein.

Every effort has been made to assure accuracy of this information, but mistakes may be present. Material presented on ALL pages is copyrighted by Autonomy Health Advocacy, LLC (hereafter “the company”) and by the ​various contributing authors. These materials may NOT be sold or redistributed for profit in any way without expressed written permission of the authors. You may download and retain on your disk or in hard copy form a single ​copy of material published on this site for your personal use, provided that you do not remove any proprietary notices. You may not otherwise copy, distribute, display, download, modify, or re-post all or any part of the material ​without the company’s written permission. You may not mirror on another Web server all or any part of the material published on this site, and you may not use any of the graphics contained in any material published on this ​site without expressed written permission from us.


Autonomy Health Advocacy, LLC is committed to respecting the privacy and security of our users. Our goal is to provide you with the information, resources, and services that are most relevant and helpful to you.

To demonstrate our commitment to your privacy, we have prepared this statement disclosing our privacy practices. Here you will learn what personal identifying information of yours is collected, how and when we might use ​your information, how we protect your information, who has access to your information, and how you can correct any inaccuracies in the information. We will not disclose your information to any person or organization outside ​the company, except as described in this Privacy Policy or on any of the individual sites.

Information We Collect and How We Use It

No personal information is currently collected by Autonomy Health Advocacy, LLC through this website. When you contact the company, we may note your contact information and given details on our server to get back to you ​and ultimately to work with/serve you. Please be mindful of what information you are comfortable sharing when you reach out. At this time, there is no newsletter, however, when you supply us with your email address, we may ​add it to our email notification list, from which you may opt out at any time.

How We Protect Your Information

Your information is not stored on any publicly accessible servers and therefore cannot be accessed by anyone outside the company personnel. Health Advocates are not covered entities under HIPPA, however we strive to ​uphold those standards as a best practice within the field.

Who Has Access to the Information?

In addition to the use of your contact information described above, your information will be shared in the following ways:

  • As required by law, in a matter of public safety or policy, or as needed in connection with the transfer of other business assets.
  • In compliance with U.S. law, we do not share information with any unaffiliated third parties for marketing purposes.

Links to Other Companies’ Sites

Our website contains links to sites maintained by companies that are not affiliated with Autonomy Health Advocacy, LLC. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those sites, and we encourage you to ​use caution when visiting them. In particular, we recommend you view the privacy policy posted on each site.

Privacy Policy Changes

If our information practices change in a significant way, we will post and highlight the policy changes.


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